Dear Fellow Motorhomer,
March and whilst the weather in the UK hasn’t been very good for motorhome touring, the opposite is being enjoyed by those on our Canary Islands tour. They are enjoying full sunny days, with temperatures in the mid to high 20’s. The Canary Islands are well known for their beach resorts, but less well, for also having some great mountain scenery. The tour is currently in Gran Canaria, where the group have been touring both along the coast and in the mountains. The first mountain stop was at a camping near to the traditional Canarian village of Fataga
Camping Molino de Agua, Fataga, Gran Canaria 28/02/2023
Secondly, at a campsite operated by the National Park rangers, which as well as having stunning mountain views, over-looks the Presa de las Ninas reservoir.
Camping at Presa de las Ninas, Gran Canaria 13/03/2023
The next Canary Islands tour will take place throughout January to April 2025. If you may be interesting in escaping the UK winter whilst exploring these wonderful islands, send us an email and your interest will be registered, so that later this year, as the 2025 tour itinerary is finalised, this will be emailed to you in advance of it being made generally available, enabling you to request a place on the tour at that time if you so wish.
Before 2025, there will be a full programme of tours for next year and the 2024 tour summary detailing these is now on the GB Motorhome Tours website. The itineraries for the 2024 tours are beginning to get finalised and will be emailed to those with pre-registered interest in advance of being made generally available on the GB Motorhome Tours website. To register your interest in any of the 2024 tours, simply send us an email of the ones you are interested in, and this will be registered for you. Within the 2024 tours programme are a number of destinations that have not been included in the last few years tours programmes.
Before 2024 there are all the tours planned and prepared for 2023 to enjoy. There now remains availability on just two of this years tours. The first is the Scotland Highlands and Royal Deeside tour which takes place in June and covers much of the great scenery found through northern Scotland and the Royal Deeside regions. The second is the Wonderful Christmastime tour which includes stays in Paris and Epernay, with nights at the Moulin Rouge and Champagne Festival. Remaining places on both tours can be booked on the GB Motorhome Tours website.
If you have been using your motorhome in colder conditions, it is worth having a good quality external thermal windscreen cover, to help keep the cold out and the interior of your motorhome much warmer. These screen covers are also just as good at keeping the heat out when touring in hot conditions, to keep your motorhome cooler inside. As seen being used in the photo’s above from the current Canary Islands tour, to assist in keeping the motorhomes cool.
If there is anything you wish to ask about a tour feel free to contact us, we are always happy to answer any questions. Happy touring to everyone.
Kindest regards,
Tel. 0044 7481 479 057